Privacy policy

At Sanluc International nv, we take the GDPR seriously. In this policy, we explain how we collect and process  personal data.

The Data Controller is Sanluc International nv, Schoolstraat 49, 9860 Oosterzele , its subsidiaries, affiliates, joint ventures or partnerships  (hereafter  “Sanluc”), who develops and produces additives for the animal feed industry.  

If you have any questions or comments about this policy or our use of personal information, you may contact the Marketing responsible via For all questions  apart from requests for general information, we can ask you to identify yourself, just to be sure we share the requested information and data with the correct person.

1. When do we collect and process your data?

We collect and process your data at the time you order our products or services, you request product information, you subscribe to our newsletter or you contact us in one or another way.

Being a supplier, your or the data of your contacts will be processed in view of the this activity.

Furthermore, your data as customer or supplier, will be used to issue invoices and other accounting documents.

Visiting our website, visitor data are collected in view of improving the Sanluc website. To do so, we use Google Analytics. Monitored are the time spent on the website, the number of pages visited and how you found the website. This type of data are anonymous  and not in the scope of GDPR.

In some cases we can also use your data to inform you about products or services (direct marketing).  

Any motivation letter and resume received in view of a job application are only accessible and processed by employees  involved with the job application. Documents received via email will be removed from the mailbox after downloading.

2. What type of data do we collect and process?

The data collected, are data you share with us, we need  to supply you with products or services. This includes name, address, e-mail and professional data like company name, VAT number and other. Generally we get this information directly from you but occasionally we can also get this from other parties. 

The information can also be related to your interest for future products or services. Financial information must be processed in view of accounting. Information related to your function or activities are processed for communication or public relations.

3. Purpose of collecting and processing.

The personal data are processed in view of customer management and contractual necessity (supply of services and products), direct marketing  (to inform you about the services offered), supplier management, accounting and communication and public relation.

Personal information collected during a job application is only processed in view of filling the vacancy.

4. The legal basis for the processing of data.

In principle we collect and process your personal data on the basis of contractual necessity following your order and the contract signed.

Where the processing is not necessary in order to perform a contractual necessity, as in direct marketing and communication, it is based on our legitimate interests as a company, in particular the freedom of doing business and information. In doing so, we make sure that a balance exists between our and your interests by, for example, providing you the right to object.

In the event we use your email to send you commercial messages, we will, to the extent that you are not a customer, always ask your prior consent.

5. Administrators of personal data

Personal information stored on the Sanluc IT-servers can only be consulted by Sanluc staff. Access to this data is only possible by means of a user name and password.

Motivation letters and resumes  is only handled by Sanluc staff involved in the recruitment procedure. They guarantee that your data will be stored in the correct folder where only they have access to.

6. Passing personal data to third parties.

Your data are mainly processed internally within the framework of customer management and accounting.

We can for certain punctual services or projects pass on the data to subcontractors or suppliers we cooperate with, although always under our control.

Sometimes we are required to pass on information about you. That is particularly the case when we are required to do so by law or Government agencies requiring personal information from us.

7. Data transfer outside Europe.

Your information is in principle not passed on to third countries. These are countries that do not belong to the European economic area (which is formed by the European Union, together with Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein). In case it happens, we will make sure that the third countries have an adequate level of protection or that we provide appropriate guarantees by signing so-called standard contractual clauses with recipients in those third countries.  If this is not possible, we make sure that we can rely on one of the derogations provided for the General Regulation provides for data protection.  If you have any questions in this regard, please contact the marketing manager at

8. Your rights

If we process your details for direct marketing purposes, you may object at all times. To this end, it is sufficient to contact the marketing department –

You have the right to access and have them corrected or deleted at any time if necessary. To this end, it is sufficient to send a request to the Marketing manager – with proof of your identity. This we ask to prevent your data is communicated to someone who is not entitled to receive.

If you do not agree with the way in which we process your details, you can always complain to the data protection authority (,  Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels.

9. Retention periods

Sanluc and its subsidiaries, its affiliates or distributors do not keep your data longer than is necessary to carry out the activities described above or required by law.

Personal information received during a (free) job application will be saved with the consent of the applicant for the period of one year. During this period the applicant agrees to it we can contact him in the event an appropriate opportunity becomes available.

Customer data will be kept in Exact and used as long as there is a business relationship between the customer and Sanluc.  After termination of the contract, your data will be kept for another 10 years (since legal claims can be submitted up  to 10 years after date).

10. How we protect your personal information

Sanluc takes  all technical and organisational measures to protect your personal information. Your data will only be retained in the mentioned software and systems and we do not make physical copies. Like the connection to our server, this software and systems are also secured. These security measures are in line with the applicable laws and regulations and the current state of the art.

11. Right of access, rectification or deletion of your data.

You have always the right to access, check and correct your personal data, collected and preserved by us, if not correct. This you can do at any time by contacting us via the e-mail address: This information, we will provide to you within a reasonable period of time.


Sanluc reserves the right to change this statement and/or this policy. Changes will be reported to users through the website.